Protocol (V2) Contract Architecture
This section of the Instant AI docs outlines the Smart Contract Architecture and its details. The docs are under continuous revision, so some sections are not published yet.
A list of useful links is provided below depending on what information you are seeking. For all paths, read this page, the next page first ("Smart Contract Architecture Walk-Through"), and the "Roles & Permissions" page outlining different actors for Cellars.
Developers looking to understand the architecture: read the rest of this page and th smart contract architecture walk-through.
Developers looking to deeply understand the core contracts: go to the "Advanced Smart Contracts" section, and check out the detailed subpages and APIs (and some fun schematics). Also, feel free to check out the deployed versions of this code after reading over this first page. Of course, all code can be found in the github repository.
Developers looking to create an
: Skip to the "External Protocol Integration" section with "Building Adaptors" for a tutorial (still in progress).Developers looking to create a
: Skip to the "External Protocol Integration" section with "Building Price Extensions."Developers only seeking actual, in-prod deployments: See "Smart Contract Addresses."
Now, onto the core smart contracts architecture currently adopted by the Instant AI protocol.
Core Architecture
The V2 Cellars infrastructure contains a number of smart contracts that contribute to the continued operation of each cellar and the Instant AI Cellars protocol.
The following four concepts categorize the scope of smart contract functionality in Cellars V2:
Registry - contains global configuration applicable across Cellars, including references to other smart contracts and permissions layers for adaptors and Cellars.
PriceRouter - global Cellars pricing contract, typically using Chainlink. Built to price complex multi-token Cellar positions (e.g. LP positions). Price Router upgrades now allow for alternative price sources other than Chainlink where deemed appropriate (see "Building Pricing Extensions").
Cellars - user-facing ERC4626 vaults where strategists deploy assets to earn yield. Each Cellar is run by a single strategist, implementing various independent methods of earning yield. Each Strategist can make adjustments to the respective Cellar they're managing, via Instant AI governance and Gravity Bridge-approved strategist functions.
Note: Instant AI Cellars depart from the ERC4626 standard in their implementation of
. According to the standard,totalAssets
must not revert. For Instant AI Cellars,totalAssets
may revert. Integrators should take care to note and handle this difference.
Adaptors - integration contracts that allow Cellars to interact with an external DeFi protocol. Adaptors should be case-specific, and a Cellar may use multiple adaptors in the course of complex DeFi operations.
There have been iterations on the above concepts throughout the lifetime of the Instant AI protocol. These are noted in each of their detailed subsections. A full V3 architecture upgrade is being currently discussed but not in the immediate development timeline.
Please see the next page for a general walk-through of the setup of a Cellar and its parts.
Withdrawal Queue
Cellars V2 introductes a new feature called the Withdrawal Queue.
A user submits a withdrawal request with a deadline for the withdrawal to be completed, a discount value, and the number of shares they want to redeem. A solver will then fulfill the withdrawal request on behalf of the user within the deadline (assuming the request can be feasibly fulfilled). The discount is meant to compensate solvers for the gas costs of fulfilling the withdraw. Users pay a very small gas fee when initiating the withdrawal but the fee for actually redeeming the shares for assets is paid by the solver.
Unfilled withdrawal requests: During the Pending Withdrawal period, if the LP token price falls below the target LP token price (what the seller has asked for from the solver), it may not be filled by the Solver and will expire at the end of the withdrawal period.
Why withdrawals are queued: There is a security benefit to forcing withdrawals to go through the Queue: by preventing round trip transactions (depositing and withdrawing in a single transaction) the vault mitigates any atomic arbitrage issues.
Last updated